Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Holidays!

The snow yesterday made me think about the holidays! Somehow it always to sneaks up on me. I have quite a few orders to get done, and I have many dreidels and ornaments to paint, not to mention the shopping, and cleaning. I haven't been able to see my dining room table in a year or so- I hope it is still under that big pile of stuff!


Gary's third pottery blog said...

Hey that wonderful pic looks like WILSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, lookit them cupcakes down there too......

Nancy L.K. Boyce said...

That is Wilson! The first couple of years Wilson was in school, I drew a little picture of Wils doing something different every day- I tucked it in with his snack. I liked this one so much we used it as our Christmas card a couple of years ago.