Friday, February 27, 2009

Cat in a basket

This is my first cat (we have 4 cats and a dog)- we got her from the SPCA 10 years ago. She has never been a "normal" feline. Petunia lives in a picnic basket. The only animal she has anything to do with is Salvador the dog- she likes it when he licks her ears, and then when he stops she gives him a little swipe to say "give me some more". She is so weird, she comes out of her basket only to eat, go to the litter box and get ear licks. She will also pop up for the occasional "human" contact. She is a basket case of a cat- but she seems happy.


Gary's third pottery blog said...

a basket case! she is very pretty though...

Nancy L.K. Boyce said...

She is very pretty- and the only one of my cats that doesn't need to be on a diet!