Wilson will be turning 7 years old on Sunday, but the "celebration" starts today! This morning I went to make the cupcakes, and discovered I didn't have enough eggs! I got Wils dressed and we went off to the store- this was at 6:45 a.m.! Then I made a quick stop at the gallery for a tray to put the cupcakes on. Got that. When we got back home I served my "master" (Wils) his breakfast, and got the cupcakes baked. I now have to let them cool so I can frost and decorate with rainbow sprinkles and a Hershey's Kiss in the middle! This is how they MUST be finished! Then I have to get them up to school by 10:15, sing Happy Birthday with the class, and get to the gallery and have it open by 11:00! Oh, I forgot to mention: I also have to tell someone to brush his teeth about 50 times, get his jacket on about 25 times, and yell at the top of my lungs about 12 times "WILSON HURRY UP, WE ARE GOING TO MISS THE BUS!"
My celebration starts at 2:00, when I have an hour (before Wilson is back home) to be alone and quiet!
At 3:30, Vet appointments for the dog and cat! I have to remember to give Salvador Doggy his "happy pills", at least 2 hours before we go- he doesn't like the Vet, and a sweet dog can get very nasty when he is scarred.
I Remember back when I was young and childless and in a pretty high pressure job in NYC. I had a conversation with my boss at the time. I said to him in a fit of panic- "I am not Wonder Woman!" The wise man responded with: "Oh but you are darling- yes you are!"
Super powers don't let me down!