Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I need a change!

I'm thinking I need a change- in my hair that is.
I found this picture and I really like the style. I think a new doo might perk me up. I am sure I will look exactly like this model (if I put on make-up). Although I think I will stick with my signature bright unnatural red! Yes, I need a change.
Now that I have made up my mind I hope the roads are not too bad for me to get to my appointment this morning. We have had a lot of very wet snow. The cars are moving pretty slow out there.


Gary's third pottery blog said...

you look totally great! esp. with the matching pink gloves and jacket!

Nancy L.K. Boyce said...

Thanks Gary! Hopefully next time I see you I will be able to talk!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Nancy. That cut would look fab on you. Just need to find the right cutter.