Sunday, April 19, 2009

Getting ready!

I am going at a frantic pace right now! I have made the cookies, dips, and cut up the veggies. I have sent Don to the store for ice, fresh baguettes and salsa. I think I am okay as far as the food and drink goes- I made it to the winery yesterday afternoon! Now I need to figure out what I am going to wear, and then get some last minute pick up and set up done. It should be 2:00 by then!
Time for the OPENING! Please come by if you get a chance, meet the artist, and have a snack! It looks like a beautiful day to get out!

*Art Opening today @Thou Art Gallery, 2:00-5:00 111 Church St. Groton!


Gary's third pottery blog said...

you and Donald and Wilson are my absolute favorite family, thanks for the party! And I realized today: (re: eye color) Donald and David Bowie--twins seperated at birth????????????

Gary's third pottery blog said...

oh, fantastico food too and chocolate cookies, and I like the olive drab cannister you finished AND our cat table cloth? This one might end up on the wall too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nancy L.K. Boyce said...

Thanks Gary- so glad you and Maude could make it. Good luck with everything this week!

Gary's third pottery blog said...
