Friday, May 1, 2009

How did this happen???

I can't figure how all the type on my blog got so small! I need to put on my glasses to read it. I'm wondering if Wilson was messing around with something. He likes to play tricks like change the language, so I will get on and everything is in Arabic. It is pretty funny, he knows how to do more things on a computer that I do- and he is only 7 years old! I am always surprised when I get a comment from him on this blog. I wonder if he is sending notes to anyone else on my mailing list???


Gary's third pottery blog said...

at least it isn't Arabic or Korean...

Nancy L.K. Boyce said...

But it is SO TINY!

Giggles said...

I get the same thing and have to keep changing the font size and type a few times...very annoying. I think it's an inside glitch!