Friday, September 26, 2008

Dandy Dreidels!

It is that time of year again- people are asking for dreidels and tops! I have started my "mass production" of these Finger turn toys. I assemble the tops and dreidels from wooden findings- cubes, wheels, knobs, balls, and mini shaker pegs. They are drilled, painted and put together. All are tested to spin properly- I hate a top that doesn't spin! It is a lot of work for a little do-dad! That is why I refer to them as "heirloom toys".

Porch Update:
It is official- the house looks really BAD! It is hard to believe this destruction only took one day- and we payed to do this! It will be bringing down area property values for a couple of days, can't do much in the rain. This will give the neighbors something to talk about! The good news is it can't look any worse!

1 comment:

Gary's third pottery blog said...

sure it can look worse: rain and muuuuuud!!!!