Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nancy's nice knobs!

My husband (and several others) have told me they think I should have a web site featuring only my drawer pulls- calling it "Nancy's nice knobs". My mother DOES NOT agree! Knobs are a big part of my business, here are 3, part of an order of 8- still in progress. I have an order of 18 I am also working on. I tend to work on a lot of pieces at once. I usually have about 4-6 items in various stages of completion on the work table at the same time.

Some other popular items are soap pumps, oil bottles, and picnic salt & peps. 3 out of 4 of these items have sold. I still have the smaller oil bottle left. I better get going, there is SO much out there to paint!

1 comment:

gary rith said...

Nancy's Nice Knobs......
or Donald's Dandy______ or
Wilson's Wacky_______