Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Feeling a bit sad...

I have been feeling a bit sad the last couple of days. I spent SO MUCH time getting ready for the show I did on Saturday, my display looked fabulous. Then I sat there, for 4 hours! The Aurora Inn did a beautiful job with hosting the event, there just wasn't much of a turnout, and the few people that came weren't spending any money. It was a bit of a let down for me.
I have been neglecting my special orders and I have a ton of stuff I need to get done for people, so, today I work!
I guess I am also a little down because my husband has gone to Ohio for the week- some "nerd" conference for Cornell. I would not make a good single parent! Wilson is really testing things these days.
I'll get over it!


gary rith said...

OH NANCY! Well, thank GOD school is open, right?

Nancy L.K. Boyce said...

You Got that right!

Unknown said...

Greetings from the nerd conference in O-Hi-O. I think I'll live it up tonight and go look for some chess games. I miss ya, Nance ...


gary rith said...

Oh, what a sweet dude!